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Kate Debow Hayes

August Newsletter

Back to School!

Maybe Not.

Live Conventions.

Definitely NOT!

2020 is full of twists, turns and yes, uncertainty.

But, you can always count on High Ground Coaching and Development to bring you new information once a month!

Also, make sure you read all the way to the end - we have some announcements that will interest you!

But, here we are - August, 2020. You've all seen the memes. They can get creative and may event lead to a giggle. However, this up and down, non-stop news sometimes feels like the entire planet is just circling the drain, waiting.....

Take a break with me this morning - learn something new. Learn something interesting. Learn something that may be fun to share on your next Virtual Happy Hour!

Not Feeling Productive?

Maybe you just need to get up and relocate! I talked about this in my Working Remotely Workshop earlier in the year, but here is some great science to back it up. A new study found that our immediate environment affects the way we think and feel in ways we don’t fully appreciate. So, if you’re feeling scattered or overwhelmed, don’t assume you need to work harder. Try changing rooms.


This was a new term for me. Anyone else? Well, the term may be new, but the meaning isn't. We’re living in a world with a bottomless supply of frightening, discouraging headlines. This article offers a helpful reminder that spending too much time “Doomscrolling” can rob us of our level-headedness at a time when we need it most. The key is to be informed — not obsessed.

Spark Romance

Boy that last article was something, eh? Here is something a little lighter - but it relays an

important message. Many couples are finding it hard to feel connected during the pandemic, despite more time together. Here are 3 strategies for connecting with your partner in a world where traditional dates aren’t always possible.

What We Have Coming Your Way in September

So much is happening! Where to begin.....

Let's start with - are you getting this newsletter in your inbox? No?

Because if you do, you will be notified of all the opportunities! Like...

High Ground Coaching and Development is hosting a complimentary Webinar! YES! This webinar will introduce you to a new Signature Program inspired by YOU! Some of you attended the trainings in April - and we all learned a lot. This webinar is a result of these learnings - don't miss it! This will be marketed to email subscribers and Facebook followers FIRST! So stay connected to stay informed!

High Ground Coaching and Development is writing an EBook!

Another YES! The only way to get this book in September is to register for the Webinar! AND.... the only way to register for the Webinar is to receive the private invite - by subscribing to receive these emails!

Finally, I know you are all waiting to hear about the 2020 Connect 2 Women Conference, originally scheduled for May, moved to September. Because of all the great feedback I received after my FB Live - the difficult decision to NOT have a live event this year was made. The Board of Directors and myself agonized over this decision.

However, it is my sincere belief that the community still needs Connect 2 Women. We need not only to gather to engage, but we need the great content that this conference brings. So - here you go!

Introducing The Connect 2 Women Virtual Summit Series

Starting in September!

This event will take what you love most about Connect 2 Women and bring it to you every month September through April 2021.

The third Wednesday of every month, 8:30am MST, we will come to you live with engaging speakers, impactful content and inspired stories that will keep you involved in the Connect 2 Women Community as well as give you 60-90 min of professional and personal development to look forward to.

Whether you are homeschooling, working remotely or heading into work everyday - we are living in a transitional time.

Not knowing what the next year, next month or next week will hold creates an underlying sense of unease.

Register for the Connect 2 Women Virtual Summit Series and have one thing you can count on. We are here for you! With just one registration, you will receive a link every month to our 60-90 minute Summit Session - PLUS - access to the recordings so that you can watch and re-watch!

We start September out in spectacular fashion!

September 16, 2020 - C-Suite Coffee Chat featuring Kim DeVore - President, Jonah Bank, Robin Roling, COO, Cheyenne Regional Medical Center and Diane Shober, Executive Director, Wyoming Office of Tourism. This blockbuster panel will discuss decision making, mentoring, handling crisis' and leadership pivots required along with the level of thought, compassion and determination needed in those C-Suite positions. We will have the rare opportunity to discuss how each of the panelists have had to re strategize and move forward facing all the uncertainty in 2020 - staying positive and helping their team to remain positive and on target.

I hope you have enjoyed this Newsletter. If you did, feel free to share and let me know what you liked. If you didn't - let me know that too!

"Advise for anybody - enjoy what you are doing, enjoy the process of learning and don't be impatient. "

- -Robin Cousins

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