Yesterday, I visited a coffee shop after my dentist appointment. I was so happy and excited!
How strange that this is my idea of an exciting day, but it sure is!
This month's Newsletter is dedicated to things that will make you smile, chuckle, think and be thankful.
Grateful For and Over Zoom at the Same Time

Yes, we wouldn't be able to stay connected with your loved ones, careers, school and friends during these days of Covid if it weren't for technology. But, how many chins have you looked at? How many shadowed figures have you had conversations with?
Here is a great article about how you look on camera and how that affects if people take you seriously or not.
Hard Work is a Better Motivator than Innate Talent
This was a really interesting article comparing the motivational effects of genius vs. trial and error. It is providing insight on how to teach and inspire young people. However, I think it can be used to better relate to all age groups. What do you think?
A Tribute to Covid Stress Eating

I'll say it - I've had more popcorn (with butter) in the last 2 months than I had all last year. Did it make me feel better? Hard to say. But, I started May with the intent to get back to my normally very healthy way of eating. It's May 12th and I've only had popcorn once!
Here are two articles to get you thinking.
I hope you enjoyed these articles and they provided interesting breaks. Please, feel free to share, forward and comment!
Here are some updates from around the High Ground Coaching and Development world:
Connect 2 Women Update

The 202 Connect 2 Women Conference was originally scheduled for May 20/21st. However, we will be rescheduling the live event later in the year - possibly September. We are confident that we will figure out all we need to do to have a safe, inspired event by then.
In the meantime, we are hosting the Connect 2 Women Quarantine Edition online. It will be a mix of Facebook Lives, Virtual Coffee Dates, Lunch and Learns and Happy Hour Hunts. Keep an eye on your Connect 2 Women emails, social media and on the Events tab on Connect 2 Women website. I will all be updated Monday, May 18th.

Wyoming Women's Legislative Caucus
This is a fact we know well here in Wyoming - 2020 is the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, and Wyoming gave that right to women 50 years prior! You know who didn't know that? Almost everyone else! But - the Wall Street Journal sent some intrepid video journalists out this winter to do a story on the Equality State, our female representation and the WyWLC's Leap into Leadership. Check it out here!
Some Great Women Doing Some Great Things!
Just because - we all need something to celebrate and take pride in - Courtesy of Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce and Shortgo
Everyone stay safe and sane! We are here for you - don't hesitate to reach out to HGCD if we can help you, your staff or organization with anything during this time.