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Writer's pictureKate Debow Hayes

Explore, Dream, Discover

Live Your Purpose Series

Stories of Authentic Lives and Courageous Risk Taking

Volume One - Introduction

Explore, Dream, Discover

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -- Mark Twain

When I was growing up, I always wanted two things for myself. I wanted a ranch filled with horses, and to be a writer. I didn’t know how, as an Irish Catholic girl from south-suburbia Chicago, I was going to achieve these dreams, but I was pretty sure that this was my destiny. Could I actually make a living at these things, maybe – maybe not. Did that matter – not really. I just knew what I wanted.

So, instead of making a beeline to the end goal, I chose the meandering route. Trying new things, daring to be out there on the edge of experience just for the sake of the experience and what it may teach me. Some may have seen this as reckless, chancy, non-conformist. I always saw it as living my authentic life. In my mind, I couldn’t be a good writer, a good mentor, a good friend or partner, unless I had really lived.

I am not alone. Our world is filled with people that chose to be courageous and live their authentic life. This series of articles is about them. Some of them are famous. Their risky decisions have changed all of our lives. Some of them you will not know. Their choice to live authentically has been impactful on a smaller, while no less inspiring scale.

5 Secrets to Risk Taking

These will form the basis for the articles to follow. While I have not decoded the human genome or solo-climbed El Cap, I have had some experiences with each of these 5 steps and will share my stories below in hopes that they may inspire some small action in you, or give you that last burst of courage to take that next step.

Be Yourself

Author climbing at Queen Creek, AZ

I’m not saying that to live your true purpose you must take up rock climbing or white-water rafting. That is why the most important step starts with defining who you are, what your true passions are and where you want to end up. Remember, these may also change as you gain experiences and knowledge. Climbing Mt. Everest used to be very high on my bucket list. Now, unless there are quick, affordable advances in joint replacement, I realize this has shifted to the “used to be on the Bucket List” list.

To start diving into what is true for you, subscribe to my updates and receive 5 Important Questions to ask yourself, here.

Make Great Leaps

When you take yourself out of your comfort zone, you give yourself the opportunity to realize your potential and build confidence. Taking on new responsibility in your current position, or volunteering for an experimental new role, not only gives you the reward of confidence, but also helps you stand out to company leadership. According to Jason Hanold, CEO of search firm Hanold Associates (who finds and counsels HR leaders for companies such as Amazon and Nike) "With each one of those moves you have an opportunity for accelerated learning, accelerated compensation, versus someone who finds a place they're comfortable and sets and perches right there," Hanold says.

Many times, these opportunities for growth are within your current organization, many times they are not. When I was just out of college, rock climbing was my passion. But, I made my living in high-end retail management. To beat the annual 3% raise, every 4 years when I was headhunted, I took it seriously. The results provided me with life-long benefits. Not to mention the leaps in salary at every change, I had the great opportunity to be mentored by some of the best in the business at each stop, learned management skills from the top in the industry (and filled my closets and kitchen with amazing linens and gadgets at a fraction of the price!).

Two Outcomes

Great leaps can also come when you dive into a new field, learn a new skill or follow a passion. There are only two things that can happen when you pursue a desire. One, you will be successful or two, you will have learned something invaluable. The first is self-explanatory. The second takes shape within your mindset.

A question often asked during an Executive Level interview is “Describe a time you failed and how that made you feel and how you reacted.” I love this question! Because it allows me to really be my true self, and the company either agrees, or doesn’t – making the fit apparent or not. My answer to this question has always been the same. “I don’t believe that I have failed. If I have tried something that hasn’t worked, I have learned something from that.” At this point I go on to give a most current example of when this has happened and what I (and my team) took from the situation. It would be prudent of me to say that once you start adopting this mindset, you will have examples at the ready for when your risk didn’t give you the expected results (which for all you HR people out there – would be a much better reframe to this question).

Don’t be Haphazard

While making a change may seem risky, I believe inaction is costlier in the end. Consider when pondering whether to move forward toward a dream or vison evaluating both scenarios. Do your homework, understand how this change will affect you and those close to you. Hold it up to your comfort level and see how much it pushes you – will you have the ability to think and execute your way through the challenges?

When I decided to leave sales, to start my own coaching business, I researched the top certification programs. After looking at what they offered, how they offered it, what I would come away with as well as talked with alumni of my top choices, only then did I make a decision on what program and business model was right for me. Then, I took the leap.

Author Show Jumping

Are you thinking about taking a leap? Set up a Discovery Call today, follow this link to my website.

One Shot Theory

Taking the leap – that is what we risk takers really love! That feeling that you are living out on the edge – not in an adrenaline kind of way (although I’m sure there are some that believe that) but in the way of pushing ourselves because we not only know that we have so much to

offer, but we only have one shot at these circumstances make everything we can of it.

Imagine your life in 5, 10 or even 20 years if you didn’t take the chance. What would you not have learned, who would you not have inspired. This is your chance. There are no guarantees that the chances and opportunities in front of you today will be there tomorrow. I am working now with a wonderful couple that is getting coaching on what to do with their retirement years. They understand this concept – and are acting on their desire to Live their Purpose.

Will you do the same?

Please, join me back here for real-life stories!

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Live Your Purpose Series

Stories of Authentic Lives and Courageous Risk Taking

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